Monday 7 May 2012

Fatwa: Irony

So going to the demo to ask for clean elaction is haram but beating defenseless rakyat who are asking for clean election is halal?  this is the problem with islamic clerics when they start pussy footing with the leaders, the corrupt ones that is.  mufti is supposed to give his edict based on what Quran, Hadith & Ijma' agreed upon not what your political masters wanted to hear.  Islam is above & beyond everything! Islam controls its' followers not the other way around.  Also where are these muftis when the corrupt leaders screwing with our money, country and future; PKFZ, NFC, SCORPENE et al!.  Just a word of reminder to the so-called muftis; your size of the brains are not determined by the size of your "serban".  People are watching your words & you better be careful with what you say for your are supposed to the learned ones not the laughing stocks. Salaam!

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